HomeAppsLifestyleWisdom of the Oracle CardsApps like Wisdom of the Oracle Cards Here are some great alternatives to Wisdom of the Oracle Cards by Oceanhouse Media, Inc. : Pocket Visions Tarot ★4.6 Ancient Wisdom Oracle Cards ★4.6 Runic Divination - Runes Tarot ★4.8 Sea Whispers Oracle Cards ★4.8 Animal Oracle Cards ★4.6 Soul Pathway Oracle Cards ★4.1 Goddess Enchantment Oracle ★4.7 Mystical Oracle Cards ★4.7 Chakra Oracle Cards: The Power ★4.6 Soul Wisdom Oracle Cards ★4.6 Wisdom Within Oracle Cards ★4.7 Spirit Oracle Cards ★4.4 The Book of Changes (I-Ching) ★4.7 Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck ★4.5 Angel Feather Oracle Cards ★4.8 Innergize Tarot and Oracle ★3.2