HomeAppsEducationቃለ ስብሐትApps like ቃለ ስብሐት Here are some great alternatives to ቃለ ስብሐት by Kaleb Berhanu : አባ ገብረኪዳን ስብከቶች Aba Gebrekidan ★4.5 ሙሉ ሥርዓተ ቅዳሴ ከነ ዜማው | Kidase ★4.8 ዲ/ን ሄኖክ ስብከቶች | Deacon Henok ★4.3 ማኅሌተ ጽጌ Mahilete tsigie ★4.8 Mezgebe Haymanot መዝገበ ሃይማኖት ★4.7 መዝሙረ ዳዊት በግእዝ እና አማርኛ | PSALMS ★4.9 Learn and Transcribe ET Lang ★4.6 Widase Mariam | ውዳሴ ማርያም ★4.5 የነብዩ ሙሐመድ ታሪክ خلاصة نور اليقين ★4.3 Kithunu Gee Potha ★5.0 The Implanted Word App ★4.8 PRAISE APP ★4.8 Church App - Tithe.ly ★4.3 Word of Faith ★4.9 Hari - Swaminarayan Game ★4.7 Catholic Missal 2025 ★4.4