HomeAppsHealth & FitnessDario Mind (Twill)Apps like Dario Mind (Twill) Here are some great alternatives to Dario Mind (Twill) by Dario IT : Dario Connect (Twill Care) ★4.5 Happify ★3.5 feel amazing ★3.9 Mindway: Stop Overthinking ★4.6 Norbu: Stress management ★4.6 Mindspa ★4.0 What's Up? - Mental Health App ★3.7 WorryTree: Anxiety CBT Therapy ★3.7 Stresscoach: Reduce Anxiety ★4.3 Clarity - CBT Thought Diary ★3.9 MindTales - Self Care, Therapy ★4.5 Mind Reset - Just 2 min a day! ★4.2 Build Confidence with Andrew J ★4.5 MINDMOD: Hypnosis & Meditation ★4.9 WeMind /Mindfulness Simplified ★4.8 MindShift CBT - Anxiety Relief ★3.7