HomeAppsToolsTelescope.Touch planetariumApps like Telescope.Touch planetarium Here are some great alternatives to Telescope.Touch planetarium by Marco Cipriani : SkyPortal ★3.7 SkEye | Astronomy ★4.4 Anti Shake Telescope ★3.7 Stellarium Plus - Star Map ★4.7 OnStep Controller2 ★4.4 AstroSurf ★5.0 Telescope - Camera Zoom HD ★4.1 Spitzer Space Telescope ★4.6 Discover with Hubble Space Tel ★3.2 Hubble Space Telescope ★4.3 Universe Star Finder 3D ★3.8 Magnifying Zoom Telescope Cam ★3.9 James Webb Tracker ★4.4 Telescope Mega Zoom HD Camera ★3.7 DWARFLAB ★4.0 SkySafari 7 Plus ★4.3