HomeAppsParentingThe ReconnectedApps like The Reconnected Here are some great alternatives to The Reconnected by Mighty Networks : Positive Parenting Solutions ★4.8 Parenting Guide from Lasting ★4.1 Kinspire ★5.0 Parenting Hero ★4.0 Second Breath Daily Meditation ★4.4 MamaZen: Mindful Parenting App ★3.5 Honeycomb: Shared Parenting ★4.2 Manatee: Family Mental Health ★4.4 Happypillar ★4.1 Autism Parenting Magazine ★3.4 Single Parents: Connect & Chat ★3.9 In Love while Parenting ★4.9 Howtotalk: Practical Parenting ★4.1 Mightier Parent App ★4.1 Complement1 ★4.8 Parenting App Dadditude ★4.7