HomeAppsLifestyleThe SMARTcare AppApps like The SMARTcare App Here are some great alternatives to The SMARTcare App by SMARTcare Software : Auxo CareGiver ★4.2 QGenda ★4.4 Rosemark ★3.8 Careswitch ★3.8 Findmyshift ★4.6 CareSmartz360⁺ ★4.3 CareConnect ★4.5 CareSmartz360 Agency App ★3.3 OrbitalShift Work Schedule App ★3.8 SwyftOps - Caregiver App ★3.9 Billiyo Caregiver ★3.6 AxisCare Mobile ★4.8 Mobile Caregiver+ ★3.4 WellSky Personal Care ★4.2 Honor Care Pro ★4.3 BCC My SmartCare ★4.0