HomeAppsFood & DrinkFood LookupApps like Food Lookup Here are some great alternatives to Food Lookup by Shervin Koushan : My Food Calorie ★3.3 Nutrition facts ★4.5 PureCheck: Scan Food, Cosmetic ★3.5 Calories Food Calculator ★3.8 Nutrition Facts ★4.1 Food Scanner ★5.0 Healthy food: Barcode scanner ★3.9 NutriTracker & Calorie Counter ★3.7 Health and Nutrition Guide ★4.5 Calorie Counter App: Fooducate ★4.1 CalorieKing ★3.2 ViCa Vitamin Tracker in Food ★3.6 QR Code & Barcode Scanner Read ★4.4 MyRealFood: Diet and recipes ★4.0 Calories in food ★4.5 Open Food Facts ★4.2